Thursday, October 19, 2006

Don Miller is amazing.

I want to get back to talking about what Don Miller said last Wednesday. It was such a powerful talk. I wish I had a digital voice recorder (David...) so I could transcribe it here for you, but I will just have to rely on my memory and the notes I took (yeah, I'm cool like that). Um...I just got up and looked for my notes, and now I can't find them, so that is unfortunate. Hopefully I will be able to get the main idea conveyed to you.

In chapel Wednesday morning, Don spoke about the cause of conflict in the world. He says it's due to our fallen nature (as I think everyone agrees on), but he had a very interesting take on the fall and the traditional Adam and Eve story. He *jokingly* said that he grew up Southern Baptist and they taught that Adam and Eve ate the fruit and became sinful and then got together and formed the Democratic Party (hahaha). He says that in the Garden, Adam and Eve were completely focused on loving God and being loved by God. They didn't NOTICE they were naked. They were all wrapped up in God--He met their every need. He says that all humans need someone outside of themselves to tell them who they are (I agree). God was constantly telling Adam and Eve who they were and that He loved them. When they ate from the fruit, they disobeyed God and caused separation--God stopped telling them who they were. Because they were no longer being told who they were and they weren't hearing God speak to them, they became focused on themselves--they became aware of their nakedness. As a result of this, humans ever since have been focused on hearing who they were and caring what other people think of them. Don told a story about how he was riding with a friend to the post office and someone cut them off on the road, and his friend just got enraged. So Don was like, "We were 8 seconds later getting to the post office, so we should turn around and follow the guy home and kill him." Then he said that what made his friend angry wasn't the 8 seconds, but the fact that the guy who cut him off was telling him who he was--that he didn't matter--the guy who cut him off was more important than Don's friend. Then he talked a little about the Lifeboat Principle (if you've read Searching for God Knows What, you know what I mean). If you haven't read Searching, then there is something seriously wrong with you and you need to get up from the computer right now, go to the store, buy it, and read it. Anyway, the Lifeboat Principle, in short, is this scenario where there are a bunch of people in the life boat--too many--and you have to pick someone to throw out so that the boat doesn't sink and kill everyone. Pretty morbid, if you ask me. But the Lifeboat Principle comes into play ALL THE TIME in our culture. This all stems from the Fall and our separation from God. I will post his talk from Wednesday night later. I am getting sleepy.


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