Friday, December 01, 2006

decisions, decisions.

Kim and I talked ON THE PHONE *gasp* for a while last night, and I decided that I'm not going to come back to LU in the spring. I actually just went through and dropped all my classes.

Something very interesting has happened this week. I've been fasting and praying about what to do, and I think God answered. Know how one of my major reasons for staying through the end of the year was so that I didn't leave Caroline (my roommate) hanging by taking all the appliances and whatnot? Well, turns out, she and Melissa (one of my suitemates) are going to move in together, and Melissa's roommate is getting a private room. I would love a private room, but there is no way we can afford it. So, I'm taking this as a sign. Plus, I'm really getting fed up with the way lots of people are treating Lee Camp (UB professor and pacifist...). It's becoming a witch-hunt. People are not acting like Christians. It's really bad. LU is soo divided right now. It's just not a good situation, and I'm tired it. So, I will be home in 2 weeks. I still haven't told very many people (fasting makes you really weak!), and I really don't want to go into it a million times, but I imagine I will have to at some point. So, looks like I'll be finding a job somewhere, but I want it to be a good one--with a salary, not hourly wages. I want a job job. I need to save up all the money I can.

So, Kim thinks I need my own place. I don't disagree, but that would basically defeat the purpose of said job job if I suddenly had to pay rent and utilities and all that. Plus, I have the feeling that moving out wouldn't go over too well with Mom...and I'd likely be "punished" by having to pay for everything on my own. And that would not be good at all. So...that is frustrating. And Malachi stole my room at the Andersons' ; )

And everyone should go see the movie Bobby. It's very well done.


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