Monday, November 27, 2006

more ponderings of life and future.

Ummmm. . .yeah. So I think I will be staying at Lipscomb for the spring semester. It would really suck for Caroline (my roommate) if I left in the middle of the year and took the fridge and tv and dvd player and all that stuff. Plus, I'm really excited about the CS Lewis class I'm taking, and I'm getting initiated into STD (sigma tau delta) in February. There is just a lot to stay for. But not necessarily long term. So that decides things for my December 19 deadline. I still really really really do want to go to Manchester next fall. Will have to see how $$ goes. But, if it's meant to work out, it will, and that will be a sign. Perhaps my future husband is up there. We could be some awesome radical, liberal Christ-followers together. That would be fun. And exciting. I do still want to have a cattery some day too. But I would like it to be after I'm married (so whoever it is, he better LOVE cats). There is just so much to think about. But I have made my next small step decision by my Foot Lamp. I still wish for flood lights. Everything will become clear in time. Patience.


Blogger The Clay said...

I think this is a very wise decision! It's important, like David said, to keep your options open. And I would suggest, again, that you expand your options wider than just Manchester or Lipscomb. I love you Ash, and I am proud of you! Jeremy and I will support you, whatever you decide because it is clear you are seeking God's input and submitting to his will.

8:24 AM  

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