Monday, December 11, 2006

various updates and thoughts.

It's been a while since I've updated, and a ton of stuff has happened. Most all of you know that my dad is in the hospital, but I will write about it anyway. He had his gall bladder taken out Friday afternoon. He has an 8" incision!! That is massive. It's stapled instead of stitched. Ouch!

I took my Bible final this morning. It wasn't too bad. Whenever I didn't know the answer to something I would remind myself that I'm transferring and Honors Corinthians won't transfer, so it doesn't really matter. I don't know if my GPA will transfer or didn't from Memphis. Just the credits that did transfer kept the letter grade that went with them. So that's fine. Had my bio final this afternoon--I spanked it. That has been such an easy class. I haven't taken a single note the whole semester, and I most definitely have an A. That's pretty awesome. All I had to do was show up and sit there. And lots of days I fell asleep or read for American Fictions. That is the class I am rather worried about. I probably have a B. But a C is a possibility. That's no fun. Here are my predictions for my grades: B in Bible, B in French, B in Am Fic, A in Comm, A in Bio, A (maybe B because of attendance) in A Cappella. Not bad. Not awesome, but not bad. And guess who's on chapel probation? ME! Good thing I'm not coming back next semester, because I would be losing my scholarship if I was. That's no good. That fact makes leaving a plus. I had lunch with Rachel Rose today. She is one of about 3 real friends I have here at LU. That is incredibly sad. I so do not fit the demographic here. I have tons of acquaintances, but that's about the depth of the relationships. Apparently I'm not that good at making deep friendships. I think I make a good friend...I would want to be my friend. But, alas. Here's what I think is the problem--I assume that people don't want to hang out with me, so I don't call them or anything to set stuff up, I wait to be asked. And I guess that isn't working out so well. I don't know why I assume that (actually I do, but it would take a really long time to go into all that here)--but you know what happens when you assume. So I will look forward to Manchester and a fresh start. Maybe I will start going by Lauren up there. I wanted to do that at LU, but I just didn't start doing it from the beginning, and it's hard to get people who already know you to call you something different. I thought it would be really hard to recognize people were talking to me if I went by a different name, but I had a French name this year, and that worked out nicely. We will see. I shall contemplate it over my break.

I really hope Beth can hook me up with a job. That would be awesome. I will have a real job. With a salary. I will get paid to type things into the computer, which is awesome because I can type really fast and really well. It will take me some time to get used to a desktop keyboard again since I'm so used to typing on my smaller laptopl keyboard. The keys aren't in exactly the same places. And apparently I will have to learn 10 key, but that shouldn't be too hard. I guess I will have a cubicle. That will be fun--I can decorate it with all my awesome Bon Jovi posters. Good thing I like small places...haha. I'm already thinking of things I want to buy with the money I will make, but that is a bad thing because I'm working to save the money so I can go to Manchester....grrr. I want a new laptop though. A mac. I also want a car, but that's probably pretty much out of the question unless I just work for a couple years rather than one semester. Hmm. But the car I want isn't practical--a car seat wouldn't fit in it, and I will have kids before I will need to buy a new car, so a 350z, while awesome, wouldn't be a smart buy. Plus they're crazy ezxpensive. But I really kinda do need a newer car because Manchester is 600 miles away, and I don't know how many 600 mile trips my 94 altima has left in it. Speaking of trips...last night I looked down at my spedometer at one point and saw that I was going 105 ( do NOT tell my mother this--I will never speak to any of you ever again). It's crazy, but I actually get better gas mileage going faster. I'm serious. It doesn't make any sense, but it's true.

Um....what else should I talk about? David--I've been holding off posting more deep pacifist posts since Tyler was in town. Shall we resume our dialogue? lol

*EDIT*--On all our bio tests, Dr. Carpenter puts a Bible verse as extra credit--1 point for the right book, 2 more for the right chapter, and another 2 for the right verse. Usually they're really obscure, but this one I got exactly!!!! book, chapter, and verse! Psalm 139:13--YESSS. I know it because Psalm 139 is my favorite Psalm. I just looked it up to see if I got the right verse...and I did. heck yes! I am way excited about that.


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