Monday, December 04, 2006

spiritual gift?

I'm starting to think that maybe my gift is faith. We have been studying that passage in Corinthians (the class). Dr. Williams says that we all have faith, but those with that spiritual gift are given an extra measure. I don't know. I'm not at all trying to sound superior (that was one of Paul's main arguments in his letter to Corinth!). But I really do believe that God and and will do anything. His power is infinite, and I believe that He still reveals Himself in those ways today to those who have the faith. I firmly believe that if for some reason it was needed, God could and would make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich appear in my hand (I don't know what that would be essential to one's salvation or necessary for God to do that, but I believe that he could and would if the occasion arose). If I felt strongly that God was calling me to jump off a cliff, I would do it (there would be some major prayer and fasting first and definite consultation with people who have a better discernment than I). This is why I am so excited about joining CPT. I know that God will protect me. It is a dangerous job. You definitely have to sign a waiver saying that if you are kidnapped, tortured, killed, or otherwise injured that CPT can't be held responsible. It's serious business. When CPT members hear gunfire, they run toward it. I'm not afraid (although I probably will be when it's me running toward the sounds of gunfire). Yes, I could die. But I trust that God will protect me. And even if He chooses not to, and I do die, I died obeying His call. I hope that this post doesn't make me sound like I've gone off the deep end. I haven't. I'm just expressing how deep my convictions are. And I truly mean every word that I have written.


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