Sunday, August 26, 2007

i had a really awesome title, but i forgot what it was

My heart is really breaking for my God and my country. I was going to write this last night while it was fresh in my mind, but I was too drained--you'll soon find out why. I watched this CNN special called God's Warriors. Last night's episode focused on God's warriors in America (there are others for other militant religious groups throughout the world). It was disgusting. I mean that in the truest sense of the word. I was truly sickened by what I saw.

First of all, I didn't know that Jerry Falwell had started Liberty University (I have a friend that goes there). I also didn't know that the intent of the school is to "train up generations of pitbulls" to "grab the world by the jugular." Just so you know, I did take notes through the program, so what I put in quotations are actual word-for-word quotes. Somehow I don't think Jesus, the LAMB of God would like His followers to be described by anyone as "pitbulls," much less label themselves that. They recently opened a law school there and hope that one day former students will become Supreme Court justices and be able to influence the country (first order of business, overturn Roe v. Wade). Falwell went on to say that 9/11 was caused by our country's eroding moral values (namely abortion and gay marriage and quite possibly, liberals in general). He said that the sins we've committed as a country have caused God to remove his hand of protection and that things are only going to get worse.

They then interviewed some Liberty students, and one said this: "Once you choose the Christian faith you become God's warrior. It's just up to you to pick up your sword and fight." If God wants us to pick up our swords and fight, then why did Jesus tell Peter to put away his sword in the garden of Gethsemane? I would like to have asked that girl that question. Maybe I'll look her up on facebook and ask her (I probably won't, though...but maybe Ali knows her).

After the Falwell/Liberty U segment, they interviewed John Hagee and talked about God's foreign policy statement. Hagee said that it was Genesis 12:3 "I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." The "you" is apparently referring to America. I think that if God did have a policy statement, it would be something more along the lines of Micah 6:8 "He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." Or perhaps Matthew 22:36-40 "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." Call me crazy. Hagee is also calling himself a "Christian Zionist"--he wants to stir up a war between Iran and Israel to hasten the second coming of Christ. (Don't ask me how he plans to do that--or why--it was all explained last night, and I took notes on it, but it's hazy now).

Then they interviewed the author of Liberalism Kills Kids. Oh, you haven't read that one? It's by Rick Scarborough. He doesn't call himself a Republican or a Democrat, but a Christocrat. He's currently touring the country, advancing a conservative agenda and calling it the Christian way to vote. He tells people "for a Christian not to vote is a sin."

Next came Greg Boyd, labeled a "heretic" by much of the religious right. David had just been talking about his book Myth of a Christian Nation, so I thought it was pretty neat that they interviewed him too. He was the only one that didn't sound totally nuts. He said that poverty was probably the biggest problem in the world today and that if the US wanted to do something about the abortion rate, they should work to end poverty (since statistically, many more abortions occur in women and girls living in poverty). I'm sure David can add more.

The fundamentalist homeschool family was next. They are "fighting back by opting out." They currently have 5 kids and want more. The dad is a minister and the 6 year old son feels that God is calling him to be a minister like his dad. He asked his mother why he had to study math and she told him, "We study math because God created math--God loves math."

Apparently they saved the most disturbing segment of all for last. Ron Luce's Teen Mania and the annual conference Battlecry. This year it was held in San Francisco, arguably the most liberal city in the country. Luce wants to create "God's warriors for Jesus" who are ready to fight "virtue terrorists." It would take a whole other post at least as long as this one to go into everything that was wrong with this segment, but here are some quotes of the war rhetoric they were spewing at these young, impressionable kids and teens (all of whom were just eating it up, many crying, hands raised, jumping up and down). "Stand firm--fight the culture" Was on a banner on the stage. Luce got the crowd going by yelling "LET ME HEAR YOUR BATTLECRY!" Mandy Peterson, a Lieutenant (yes, she is literally called a Lieutenant) in Luce's "army" was interviewed. She said this: "I consider myself a warrior--I'm fighting for my faith." Battlecry held a demonstration in downtown San Fran. They chanted, "WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED! OUR VOICES WILL BE HEARD!" It didn't go over well with all the protesters who gathered to protest them being there (many holding "democracy not theocracy" signs, among others). The final sentence spoken in the program was by Luce. He told the interviewer, "As long as there are broken, hurting young people, I have a job." Now I'm sure he didn't mean for it to come out that way, but it certainly betrayed his motives, and most if not all of the motives of the religious right (should be the religious wrong).

Needless to say I was disgusted. But Jesus died for them too (although it must have been extra hard), and so I have only one thing left to say. "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."


Blogger "pastor" Jim Thompson said...

Hey Ashley,
I'm an avid reader over at "inrepair" and saw your comments there and the link to your post here. Good stuff!

Just a note about John Haggee, the "you" he refers to is Abraham (and by extension the nation of Israel) when God made the covenant with him in Genesis chapter 12.

I remember back during the presidential campaign when he endorsed John McCain and McCain dropped him like a hot rock when Hagee's extreme views became publicly known.

Love your blog!


4:14 PM  
Blogger Ashley said...

Yes, Biblically it's Abraham and Israel being referred to, but Hagee was asked what God's foreign policy statement for AMERICA should be and he quoted this verse. That's what makes his statement so disturbing. He's somehow claiming God's blessing on Abraham as a blessing on America. That is MESSED UP!

10:46 PM  

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