a decision.
I have made a decision. I have decided that I am going to wear my burgundy pants for my 21st birthday. I know, you're thinking, "Burgundy? Really?" but they're nice (and cuter than they sound). There is a problem, though. These pants are 2 sizes smaller than the pants I currently wear. I have 45 days to lose 2 dress sizes. It is definitely doable (if you've ever seen an episode of Biggest Loser, you definitely know it's doable). But it is going to be hard. Really hard. I am going to want to rebel. I am going to want to slack off. I am going to want to give up. But I made a decision. Not a goal. A decision. I will do this. And I hope to be down two more sizes by the time I go to Las Vegas in April (I was in about 6th grade the last time I was that size). This is going to happen, but man, it's going to be the hardest thing I've ever done. But I'm gonna make it happen.